Scientific articles (selections)
Bammou Y, Benzougagh B, Igmoullan B, Kader S, Ouallali A, Spalevic V, Sestras P, Kuriqi A (2024 ). Spatial Mapping for Multi-Hazard Land Management in Sparsely Vegetated Watersheds Using Machine Learning Algorithms. Environmental Earth Sciences 83(15):447.
Bashir O, Bangroo SA, Shafai SS, Shah TI, Kader S, Jaufer L, … Hysa A (2024). Mathematical vs. machine learning models for particle size distribution in fragile soils of North-Western Himalayas. Journal of Soils and Sediments 24:2294-2308.
Bammou Y, Benzougagh B, Igmoullan B, Ouallali A, Kader S, Spalevic V, Sestras P, Billi P, Marković SB (2024). Optimizing flood susceptibility assessment in semi-arid regions using ensemble algorithms: a case study of Moroccan High Atlas. Natural Hazards 120(8):7787-7816.
Sadkaoui D, Brahim B, Kader S, Agharroud K, Mihraje AI, Aluni K, Aassoumi H, Sassioui S, Spalevic V, Sestras P (2024). Evaluation of tectonic activity using morphometric indices: Study of the case of Taïliloute ridge (middle-Atlas region, Morocco). Journal of African Earth Sciences 213:105219.
Bammou Y, Brahim B, Abdessalam O, Brahim I, Kader S, Spalevic V, Sestras P, Ercişli S (2024). Machine learning models for gully erosion susceptibility assessment in the Tensift catchment, Haouz Plain, Morocco for sustainable development. Journal of African Earth Sciences 213:105229.
Morar IM, Stefan R, Dan C, Sestras RE, Truta P, Medeleanu M, Ranga F, Sestras P, Truta AM, Sestras AF (2024). FT-IR and HPLC analysis of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) bark compounds from different geographical provenances. Heliyon 10(5):e26820.
Oniga V-E, Loghin A-M, Macovei M, Lazar A-A, Boroianu B, Sestras P. Enhancing LiDAR-UAS derived digital terrain models with hierarchic robust and volume-based filtering approaches for precision topographic mapping (2024). Remote Sensing 16(1):78.
Ștefan B, Horeczki R, Rácz S, Sanda R, Vasile D, Iuliu V, Ioan F, Sestras P (2024). Spatial Analysis of Creative Industries for Urban Functional Zones: A GIS-Based Comparative Study in Eastern European Regional Centres: Cluj-Napoca (Romania) and Pécs (Hungary). Applied Sciences 14(3):1088.
Dinu Roman Szabo M, Dumitras A, Mircea D-M, Doroftei D, Sestras P, Boscaiu M, Brzuszek RF, Sestras AF (2023). Touch, feel, heal. The use of hospital green spaces and landscape as sensory-therapeutic gardens: a case study in a university clinic. Frontiers in Psychology 14:1201030.
Morar IM, Dan C, Sestras RE, Stoian-Dod RL, Truta AM, Sestras AF, Sestras P (2023). Evaluation of different geographic provenances of silver fir (Abies alba) as seed sources, based on seed traits and germination. Forests 14(11):2186.
Sestras P, Mircea S, Roșca S, Bilașco Ș, Sălăgean T, Dragomir LO, Herbei MV, Bruma S, Sabou C, Marković R, Kader S (2023). GIS based soil erosion assessment using the USLE model for efficient land management: A case study in an area with diverse pedo-geomorphological and bioclimatic characteristics. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 51(3):13263.
Sestras P, Roșca S, Bilașco Ș, Șoimoșan T, Nedevschi S (2023). The use of budget UAV systems and GIS spatial analysis in cadastral and construction surveying for building planning. Frontiers in Built Environment 9:1206947.
Sestras P, Mircea S, Cîmpeanu SM, Teodorescu R, Roșca S, Bilașco Ș, Rusu T, Salagean T, Dragomir LO, Marković R, Spalevic V (2023). Soil Erosion Assessment Using the Intensity of Erosion and Outflow Model by Estimating Sediment Yield: Case Study in River Basins with Different Characteristics from Cluj County, Romania. Applied Sciences 13(16):9481.
Oniga VE, Morelli L, Macovei M, Chirila C, Breaban AI, Remondino F, Sestraș P (2023). PPK processing to boost UAS accuracy in cadastral mapping. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLVIII-1/W1-2023, 345-352.
Codrea PM, Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Irimuș I-A, Iuliu V, Rusu R, Fodorean I, Sestras P (2022). The Integrated Assessment of Degraded Tourist Geomorphosites to Develop Sustainable Tourism: A Case Study of Grădina Zmeilor Geomorphosite, North-West Region, Romania. Applied Sciences 12(19):9816.
Sestras P, Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Veres I, Ilies N, Hysa A, Spalević V, Cîmpeanu SM (2022). Multi-Instrumental Approach to Slope Failure Monitoring in a Landslide Susceptible Newly Built-Up Area: Topo-Geodetic Survey, UAV 3D Modelling and Ground-Penetrating Radar. Remote Sensing 14(22):5822.
Bilașco Ș, Hognogi G-G, Roșca S, Pop A-M, Iuliu V, Fodorean I, Marian-Potra A-C, Sestras P (2022). Flash Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Digital-Era Governance Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and GIS Spatial Analyses Case Study: Small River Basins. Remote Sensing 14(10):2481.
Sabri E, Spalevic V, Boukdir A, Karaoui I, Ouallali A, Mincato RL, Sestras P (2022). Estimation of soil losses and reservoir sedimentation: A case study in Tillouguite Sub-basin (High Atlas-Morocco).
Agriculture and Forestry, 68 (2): 207-220.
Hyka I, Hysa A, Dervishi S, Solomun MK, Kuriqi A, Vishwakarma DK, Sestras P (2022). Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Landscape Transformation in Western Balkans’ Metropolitan Areas. Land 11(11):1892.
Bilașco Ș, Hognogi G-G, Roșca S, Pop A-M, Iuliu V, Fodorean I, Marian-Potra A-C, Sestras P (2022). Flash Flood Risk Assessment and Mitigation in Digital-Era Governance Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and GIS Spatial Analyses Case Study: Small River Basins. Remote Sensing 14(10):2481.
Costea A, Bilasco S, Irimus I-A, Rosca S, Vescan I, Fodorean I, Sestras P (2022). Evaluation of the Risk Induced by Soil Erosion on Land Use. Case Study: Guruslău Depression. Sustainability 14(2):652.
Hysa A, Spalevic V, Dudic B, Roșca S, Kuriqi A, Bilașco Ș, Sestras P (2021). Utilizing the Available Open-Source Remotely Sensed Data in Assessing the Wildfire Ignition and Spread Capacities of Vegetated Surfaces in Romania. Remote Sensing 13(14):2737.
Sestras P (2021). Methodological and on-site applied construction layout plan with batter boards stake-out methods comparison: A case study of Romania. Applied Sciences 11(10):4331.
Hysa A, Spalevic V, Dudic B, Roșca S, Kuriqi A, Bilașco Ș, Sestras P (2021). Utilizing the available open-source remotely sensed data in assessing the wildfire ignition and spread capacities of vegetated surfaces in Romania. Remote Sensing 13(14):2737.
Sestras P (2021). Importance of the peer review process in scientific publications – proposed way of working for a new journal. Nova Geodesia 1(1):15.
Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Vescan I, Fodorean I, Dohotar V, Sestras P (2021). A GIS-Based Spatial Analysis Model Approach for Identification of Optimal Hydrotechnical Solutions for Gully Erosion Stabilization. Case Study. Applied Sciences 11(11):4847.
Sestras P, Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Dudic B, Hysa A, Spalević V (2021). Geodetic and UAV Monitoring in the Sustainable Management of Shallow Landslides and Erosion of a Susceptible Urban Environment. Remote Sensing 13:385.
Santana DB, Bolleli TM, Lense GHE, Silva LFPM, Sestras P, Spalevic V, Mincato RL (2021). Estimate of water erosion in coffee growing areas in Serra da Mantiqueira, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Agriculture and Forestry 67(2):75-88.
Sestras P (2021). Launching Nova Geodesia Journal. Nova Geodesia 1(1):14.
Kalehhouei M, Hazbavi Z, Spalevic V, Mincato RL, Sestras P (2021). What is Smart Watershed Management? Agriculture and Forestry 67(2):195-209.
Sestras P, Roșca S, Bilașco Ș, Naș S, Buru SM, Kovacs L, Spalević V, Sestras AF (2020). Feasibility Assessments Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology in Heritage Buildings: Rehabilitation-Restoration, Spatial Analysis and Tourism Potential Analysis. Sensors 20:2054.
Matei I, Pacurar I, Rosca S, Bilasco S, Sestras P, Rusu T, Jude ET, Tăut FD (2020). Land Use Favourability Assessment Based on Soil Characteristics and Anthropic Pollution. Case Study Somesul Mic Valley Corridor, Romania. Agronomy 10:1245.
Curovic M, Spalevic V, Sestras P, Motta R, Dan C, Garbarino M, Vitali A, Urbinati C (2020). Structural and ecological characteristics of mixed broadleaved old-growth forest (Biogradska Gora – Montenegro). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 44: 428-438.
de Melo Bolleli T, Lense GHE, Santana DB, Moreira RS, Sestras P, Billi P, Spalevic V, Mincato RL (2020). Estimates of soil losses in watershed under tropical of altitude climate in Brazil. Agriculture and Forestry 66(4):73-88.
Drazic M, Gligorevic K, Pajic M, Zlatanovic I, Spalevic V, Sestras P, Skataric G, Dudic B (2020). The Influence of the Application Technique and Amount of Liquid Starter Fertilizer on Corn Yield. Agriculture 10:347.
Sestraș P, Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Naș S, Bondrea MV, Gâlgău R, Vereș I, Sălăgean T, Spalević V, Cîmpeanu SM (2019). Landslides Susceptibility Assessment Based on GIS Statistical Bivariate Analysis in the Hills Surrounding a Metropolitan Area. Sustainability 11:1362.
El Mouatassime S, Boukdir A, Karaoui I, Skataric G, Nacka M, Khaledi Darvishan A, Sestras P, Spalevic V (2019). Modelling of soil erosion processes and runoff for sustainable watershed management: Case study Oued el Abid Watershed, Morocco. Agriculture and Forestry 65(4):241-250.
Sestraş P, Sălăgean T, Bilașco Ș, Bondrea MV, Naș S, Fountas S, Spalevic V, Cîmpeanu SM (2019). Prospect of a GIS based digitization and 3D model for a better management and land use in a specific micro-areal for crop trees. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 18(6): 1269-1277.
Čurović Ž, Čurović M, Spalević V, Janic M, Sestras P, Popović SG (2019). Identification and Evaluation of Landscape as a Precondition for Planning Revitalization and Development of Mediterranean Rural Settlements – Case Study: Mrkovi Village, Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. Sustainability 11:2039.
Sestras P, Bondrea M, Cetean H, Sălăgean T, Bilașco Ș, Nas S, Spalevic V, Fountas S, Cîmpeanu S.M. (2018). Ameliorative, ecological and landscape roles of Făget Forest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and possibilities of avoiding risks based on GIS landslide susceptibility map. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 46(1):292-300.
Galgau Farcaș R, Bondrea M, Poruțiu A, Sestras P, Nas S (2018). Implementation of a Flooding Study in a Salt Exploitation Perimeter. In: Modern Technologies for the 3rd Millennium, 17th edition International Technical-Scientific Conference, March 22-23, 2018, Oradea, Romania, pp: 33-38.
Fărcaș (Gâlgău) R., Naș S, Sestraș P, Arsene C, Ortelecan M (2018). Aspects regarding side displacement and deformation as effect of the subsidence process caused by the exploitation of mineral underground deposite. RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre 24:101-107.
Spalevic V, Lakicevic M, Radanovic D, Billi P, Barovic G, Vujacic D, Sestras P, Khaledi Darvishan A (2017). Ecological-Economic (Eco-Eco) modelling in the river basins of mountainous regions: impact of land cover changes on sediment yield in the Velicka Rijeka, Montenegro. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 45(2):602-610.
Sestras P, Bondrea MV, Nas S, Farcas R, Cimpeanu SM (2017). Building Height Determination and Topographic Survey Comparison between the Traditional Method and the Modern Use of Reflectorless Total Station. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017,, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-02-7 / ISSN 1314-2704, 29 June-5 July, 2017, Vol. 17, Issue 22, 131-138 pp, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/22/S09.017.
Bondrea MV, Nas S, Sestras P, Cornel A, Farcas R (2017). Achieving basic and cadastral database related to a block in the built Sandulesti Commune, Cluj County, by using software AutoCAD Map. 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2017,, SGEM2017 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7408-02-7 / ISSN 1314-2704, 29 June – 5 July, 2017, Vol. 17, Issue 22, 43-50 pp, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2017/22/S09.006.
Spalevic V, Radanovic D, Skataric G, Billi P, Barovic G, Curovic M, Sestras P, Khaledi Darvishan A (2017). Ecological-economic (eco-eco) modelling in the mountainous river basins: Impact of land cover changes on soil erosion. Agriculture and Forestry 63(4):9-25.
Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Păcurar I, Moldovan N, Boț A, Negrușier C, Sestras P, Bondrea M, Naș S (2016). Identification of land suitability for agricultural use by applying morphometric and risk parameters based on GIS spatial analysis. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 44(1):302-312.
Gâlgău R, Nas S, Bondea M, Sestraş P, Poruţiu A (2017). Possibilities to Integrate GPS Geodetic Networks into the National Geodesic Network Using Multi-Plane Orthogonal Transformation. ProEnvironment 10:271-275.
Sălăgean T, Rusu T, Onose D, Farcaş R, Duda B, Sestraş P (2016). The use of laser scanning technology in land monitoring of mining areas. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 11(2):565-573.
Bilașco Ș, Roșca S, Păcurar I, Moldovan N, Boț A, Negrușier C, Sestras P, Bondrea M, Naș S (2016). Identification of land suitability for agricultural use by applying morphometric and risk parameters based on GIS spatial analysis. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca 44(1):302-312.
Bondrea M, Naş S, Fărcaş R, Sestraş P (2016). Considerations on Topo-Geodetic Works Required for Plotting an Industrial Hall in Apa Commune. ProEnvironment 9:227-233.
Sestraş P, Bondrea MV, Sălăgean T, Dîrja M, Cîmpeanu SM (2016). Engineering Survey for Excavated Volume Calculation in a Construction Site Using a Total Station. Conference: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016) Location: Albena, Bulgaria. Informatics, Geoinformatics And Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings, SGEM 2016, Vol II Book Series: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM 247-254.
Bondrea MV, Naș S, Fărcaș R, Dîrja M, Sestraş P (2016). Construction Survey and Precision Analysis Using RTK Technology and a Total Station at Axis Stake-out on a Construction Site. Conference: 16th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM 2016) Location: Albena, Bulgaria. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings, SGEM 2016, Vol II Book Series: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM 155-161.
Sălăgean T, Sestraș P, Ortelecan M, Onose D, Savu A, Farcaș R, Poruțiu A (2015). The use of statistical assumptions at determining the support network points. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 72(2):524-529.
Sestraș P, Sălăgean T, Dîrja M, Ortelecan M, Vele D, Ficior D, Deak J (2015). Aspects regarding the use of topographic measurements for monitoring Drăgan Valley Dam. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 72(2):530-536.
Sălăgean T, Poruțiu A, Călin M, Manea R, Vîrsta A, Sestraș P (2015). The influence of water transfer favorability over the soil excess moisture. AgroLife Scientific Journal 4(2):114-118.
Salagean T, Ortelecan M, Rusu T, Sestras P, Vele D (2015). Aspects regarding the stability tracking of support network and landmarks at concrete dams. Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Vol II (SGEM 2015). Book Series: International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference-SGEM, pages: 113-120, Published: 2015, Conference: 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference (SGEM), Albena, Bulgaria, June 18-24, 2015.
Ortelecan M, Pop I, Sălăgean T, Sestraș P, Pop N (2014). Aspects concerning the processing of observations in support networks related to hydropower objectives. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 71(2):437-444.
Sălăgean T, Rusu T, Dragomir L, Ortelecan M, Pop I, Manea R, Sestraș P (2014). Aspects regarding the possibility of rehabilitation of a reversible drainage-irrigation automatic system in Jucu-Bonțida area, Cluj County. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Horticulture 71(2):452-458.